Fall Hunting at Ferguson
Chrissie took a mixed pack.
Gabrielle viewed a couple of coyotes.
David and Melanie guarding their side of the property.
Gabrielle turning back some hounds.
Laura keeping an eye on the hounds.
The photographer got corralled in at one point. Notice the tongue lick on the mirror. The cows thought the car was a big salt lick.
Nero watched for hounds.
Bringing in the pack.
The hounds were tired after a good day out.
Chris and Sophie help road the hounds in.
Distances are deceiving on the flat land.
Sophie knows her way around hounds.
Heading toward the trailers.
Chris getting a count of the hounds.
Keeping in sight of the hounds.
Taking a break in some shade.
Mary Ann and Aver bringing in a hound.
Veteran hound Montague.
Laura and David coming in.
Jennifer and Nero had a good day.