
The following is a partial collection, at best, of commonly used foxhunting terms excepted from William P. Wadsworth's book "Riding to Hounds in America" published by The Chronicle of the Horse. It's enough to get a novice started. For the rest, don't hesitate to ask questions, if only because those of us who love the sport never get tired of talking about it.
A fox has "gone away" when he has left the covert. Hounds are "away when they have left covert on the line of a fox. 
To receive or be awarded the button is to be given the right to wear the hunt buttons. 
1.(n) The safe headgear for foxhunters. 2.(v or n) Visitors or guests are "capped" or asked to pay a "capping fee". To "pass the hat." 
1.(n) A planned move in searching for a lost line. 2.(v) To make a cast. Hounds may cast themselves, or the huntsman may cast them. 
1.(n) An interruption of the run caused by hounds losing the line. 2.(v) Hounds check when they lose the line temporarily. 
Coffee House 
To talk at a time when it is necessary for staff to be listening for hounds. 
The distinctive colors that distinguish the uniform of one hunt from another. Usually a distinctive color of collar on the coat. To be awarded or given the colors is to be given the right to wear them and hunt buttons. 
1.(n) Two hounds (either sex), for convenience in counting. 2.(n) A device for keeping two hounds attached to each other for convenience in control or training. 3.(v) To attach two hounds together by use of couples. 
(pronounced "cover") A patch of woods or brush where a fox might be found. 
The sound given by hounds when hunting, e.g. "The pack in full cry." 
A young fox. 
Early hunting before the formal season 
1.(v) To search for a fox in a certain area, e.g. "To draw a covert." 2.(n) The act of drawing, e.g. "Thorny Wood is a difficult draw." 
Also called the "first field or "first flight." The group of people riding to hounds excluding the MFH and staff. 
The person designated by the MFH to control the field. 
The time and place of the meet or assembly of the hunt. A fixture card is a listing sent out of the fixtures for a given period. 
"Quiet, please! Listen for hounds." Usually used at a check or other times when it is important for the huntsman and staff to be able to hear the hounds. Often directed at "coffee housers." 
Hilltop Field 
Also called the "second field" or "second flight." This field rides behind the first field and is under the leadership of a second fieldmaster. This field does not jump and special care is taken to moderate the speed and excitement of regular foxhunting. It is a good place for novices, both human and equine. 
A hound "honors" when he gives tongue on a line that another hound has been hunting. 
Hunting Whip 
This assembly of crop, thong and lash is known as a hunting whip, incorretly as a crop or hunting crop. It is the only correct whip or crop to carry when hunting. 
The person who controls hounds in the field. 
To jump fences unnecessarily when hounds are not running, or on non-hunting days. 
The trail of the fox. 
The MFH. The person (or persons; then joint MFHs) in command of the hunt in field and kennels. 
The assembly of the hunt for a day's sport, e.g. "The meet tomorrow is at..." or "Hounds mjeet tomorrow at...." 
A hound is said to "open" when he first gives tongue on a line. 
1.(n) The straight line distance made good in a run, e.g. "That was a six mile point but 12 miles as hounds ran." 2.(n) The location to which a whipper-in is sent to watch for a fox to go away. 
Informal hunting attire. Correct for cubhunting, guests or when ever specified by the fixture card. 
Hounds are said to riot when they hunt anything that they should not. 
A summer activity during which the staff takes out the hounds to get them fit for the upcoming season. This is also a time to introduce young hounds ("young entry") to the pack. The pace is sedate making it a good time to accustom an inexperienced horse to hounds and going in company. 
The smell of a fox and the physical and chemical phenomena by which the smell gets from the fox's footprints to the hound's nose. Scent can be good or bad, meaning easy to follow or difficult. It depends in general on weather. 
The huntsman and whippers-in. 
1.(n) Cry. A hound "gives tongue" when he proclaims with his voice that he is on a line. 2.(v) To give tongue. 
(v or n)See (or sight of) the fox. 
View Holloa 
The cry given by a staff member on viewing a fox. 
Puppies are "sent out to walk" in the summer and fall of their first year, preferably on farms where they learn about chichens, etc. 
A caution 1. To riders, e.g. "ware wire." 2. To hounds, e.g. "ware riot." Usually pronounced "war." An abbreviation of beware. 
A staff member who assists the huntsman in the control of the hounds. 
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